News: sterilization of cats
Sterilization of domestic cats mandatory in 2018
Why this measure?
Exceptions are made in the following cases:
- sale of unsterilized kittens under 6 months of age, whose sterilization is then the responsibility of the new owner of the animal;
- sale between licensed breeders for breeding purposes, the cat must be neutered only when it is no longer intended for breeding;
- if the cat is destined for a person outside the Brussels-Capital Region. The case of the adoption of a cat less than 6 months old in a shelter can also constitute an exception. In this case, the shelter concludes an agreement with the adopter, by which the owner commits himself to take the initiative to have his cat sterilized before the age of 6 months. The owner then sends to the shelter a certificate of sterilization issued by his veterinarian.cat owners who wish that this cat still has a litter can make a request for approval of breeder to Brussels Environment, Department Animal Welfare.
Legal obligations:
Since September 1, 2012, spaying and neutering was already mandatory for cats in shelters, prior to adoption, with some exceptions. As of September 1, 2014, spay/neuter became mandatory for all cats sold or transferred.
As of January 1, 2018, however, all cat owners must have their cats spayed or neutered (spayed for tomcats, ovariotomy or ovariohysterectomy for female cats) before they reach the age of 6 months. Cats born before January 1, 2018 must be spayed or neutered by July 1, 2018.
The veterinarian who performs the sterilization of a cat will issue a certificate stating the date of sterilization and the cat’s identification, if any, or description. Si le chat est enregistré dans CatID (ce qui est une obligation pour tous les chats nés depuis le 1er novembre 2017), alors le statut de stérilisation du chat doit être modifié dans CatID endéans les 24h. This allows on the one hand to control the efficiency and the follow-up of the cat plan, and on the other hand constitutes an easily consultable tool for a possible new veterinarian having to follow the concerned cat.
If an unsterilized cat is brought into the Brussels-Capital Region when it is older than 5 months, it must be sterilized within 30 days.
More information:
- http://www.environnement.brussels/thematiques/bien-etre-animal/surpopulation-felinehttp://www.environnement.brussels/thematiques/bien-etre-animal/le- commerce-des-animaux-de-compagnie

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